Holiday time equals crunch time. I'm sure some would disagree! Having a regular fitness regimen is important. However, during the months of Nov & Dec.... Its really vital. There are tons of holiday parties, work festivities, family gathering, etc. that offer glorious amounts of food. Also those that typically workout, easily become lazy, possibly due to weather changing, vacations and a host of other reasons. Cold weather tends to send us in habitat mode. I've noticed my best days in the gym are the days I prefer to stay home.
Individually we have to come up with a plan that's going to help us maintain a healthy body. I plan to increase my workout to 5-6 days. Eat in moderation at events by limiting my portion sizes. Continue drinking plenty of water verses sweet tea, sodas, & alcoholic beverages. Remember things are only hard as YOU make it. Choose YOUR hard. What are your holiday/winter plans for staying fit?!?
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Giving Back this Holiday Season
Usually during the holiday season, helping
others becomes a popular topic. Even though we are currently in an economic crisis,
we can still find simple and inexpensive ways to give back. The first time I
heard about community service was in 4th grade through an organization called
4-H. Something about this club really tagged me. I was an active member for 8
years that proudly recited the pledge/ motto week after week. Our Pledge: I
pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to
larger service, and my health to better living for my club, my community, my
country and my world. As an adolescent, I thought I knew exactly what that
pledge meant, but now as an adult, UMMM I really understand it. Being a
receptive person, with an open heart and helping hands is very valuable. In
addition, the motto was "To make the best better." The word "best"
can vary to all. It can mean making the best of your worst situation, or making
the best of a better situation. It is within the beholder to determine. We as people can help make the best out of
others situations. We are not in the position to judge why people live certain
ways; however, if we know better we can help educate and empower them.
Ideas on giving back:
Visit a nursing home. Take some of your
free time and visit a nursing home. Read a book with an elderly person, talk
about topics in the news, play cards and bring a little joy into both of your
lives. You will probably come out with a new friend!
Help a school in your community. Offer to help
distribute school lunches, check or grade papers for teachers, help during
recess, or manage school activity functions.
Clean up your community. Participate in a
local environmental clean-up day or start your own with family and friends. Go
to your local parks, beaches, or hiking trails and pick up litter.
Send Holiday mail for Heroes. During the holiday
season you can send a card to a U.S. soldier through the partnership between
American Red Cross and Pitney Bowes.
Volunteer at a church. Offer to help with
the day care, cleaning the church, bringing fresh flowers for the services, or
offer to do office work at the church administration office.
Donate clothing. Are your clothes too
tight, too loose, tags still on something you never wore? Give it away. You can
stop by your local Salvation Army or Goodwill store, and many communities have
drop-off boxes where you can leave your donated goods.
Give to Toys for Tots.. Donate a brand new
toy to your local Toys for Tots to help bring joy to a child in need. Contact
your local Toys for Tots to learn how you can donate.
Give to a local food bank.. You can donate a few
of the canned goods you currently have in your pantry. With the recent economic
crisis, food banks aren't being given as much from donors and more people are
needing to be served. Contact your local food bank today to find out how you
can donate.
Donate books. If you have books
that have not been read in over a year, chances are you are not going to ever
read them again. Give them away! Donate your used books to libraries, schools,
or shelters so someone else can enjoy them like you once did.
· Volunteer: Giving your time is
something you can easily give for free. Find something you want to give some of
your time to and give back to your community. Homeless shelters are always in need of more volunteers yearly, not just seasonally.
Ideas complied from:
We all have something to give this
season. Just offering something simple as a smile can really touch someone. We
sometimes are occupied within our own situations, problems and/or challenges
that we forget about others. Therefore, I challenge everyone to help others
within your community, school, job or even family.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Protective Style: Twist, Tuck & Pin
I couldnt sleep last night thinking about protective styles. So of course,
that was the first thing on my mind this morning. Many naturalista say that
protective styles are good during the winter months, especially due to harsh
winds. I cant say that I agree or disagree. Since going natural (September 2009),
I’ve struggled with protective styles. I wear my hair out 90% of the time. Usually
a braid out or twist out. Luckily I haven’t noticed much breakage, but I wonder
if Id have more growth.
My reason for not liking protective styles may vary from others. Most of the styles used to protect the hair are pulled back, so that the ends are put away. Since I have a big head (Yes I know it), I feel like my hair should blend with it...LOL, I know silly. So when my hair is big, I feel extra FABULOUS!! I’ve had many trail and errors with protective styles....I dont wear my two strand twist no longer than 3 days. I once tried a sew-in, which lasted all of 23 hours, had individual braids (3 weeks, but could of lasted 6).....with that being said, I felt the need to challenge myself this winter by experimenting with other methods of protecting my ends.
I decided to blow my hair out (using a protective serum), then I twisted the ends using pumpkin pomade by Amazing Botanical, tuck the ends after rolling the twist up, secured with a body pin. I left two strands (curly swirls) out on the sides to give it more of a style. Im loving the results. Let’s see how long I can leave it up!! Chime in with feedback!!!
My reason for not liking protective styles may vary from others. Most of the styles used to protect the hair are pulled back, so that the ends are put away. Since I have a big head (Yes I know it), I feel like my hair should blend with it...LOL, I know silly. So when my hair is big, I feel extra FABULOUS!! I’ve had many trail and errors with protective styles....I dont wear my two strand twist no longer than 3 days. I once tried a sew-in, which lasted all of 23 hours, had individual braids (3 weeks, but could of lasted 6).....with that being said, I felt the need to challenge myself this winter by experimenting with other methods of protecting my ends.
I decided to blow my hair out (using a protective serum), then I twisted the ends using pumpkin pomade by Amazing Botanical, tuck the ends after rolling the twist up, secured with a body pin. I left two strands (curly swirls) out on the sides to give it more of a style. Im loving the results. Let’s see how long I can leave it up!! Chime in with feedback!!!
protective styles
Dallas, TX, USA
Sunday, November 13, 2011
What do kids really think about natural hair?
Yesterday two 10-year-old patients of mine were arguing over my made a comment, "You have big, puffy hair." The other patient that's also natural said "our hair isn't puffy, it's beautiful". I later explained to them that I had "Big, Puffy Beautiful" natural hair. She thought using the term "puffy hair" was a bad thing. I came into work today and she handed me this!! Totally made me smile!!!
We are all familiar with the positive/ negative comments and looks given to those that wear their hair in its natural state. Lately I've noticed more children wearing kinks & curls vs. chemically altered styles. I constantly find myself talking with my 3-year-old soon to be 4-year-old niece about how beautiful her hair is. Some would say "They are too young to understand whats going on with their hair". I could agree and disagree. But if a 4-year-old is wondering "Why can't I wear my hair straight like hers(while pointing to other little girls)?" All she see is a style not the "just" behind the style. I remember when I was growing up, I didn't care to understand why my grandmother was hot combing my hair up until the age of 8 and then my mom started relaxing my hair around age 9. I just knew I was always excited about the process because I could listen to the "Just for Me tape". How do you respond to children not liking or understanding their hair in its natural state?!?
We are all familiar with the positive/ negative comments and looks given to those that wear their hair in its natural state. Lately I've noticed more children wearing kinks & curls vs. chemically altered styles. I constantly find myself talking with my 3-year-old soon to be 4-year-old niece about how beautiful her hair is. Some would say "They are too young to understand whats going on with their hair". I could agree and disagree. But if a 4-year-old is wondering "Why can't I wear my hair straight like hers(while pointing to other little girls)?" All she see is a style not the "just" behind the style. I remember when I was growing up, I didn't care to understand why my grandmother was hot combing my hair up until the age of 8 and then my mom started relaxing my hair around age 9. I just knew I was always excited about the process because I could listen to the "Just for Me tape". How do you respond to children not liking or understanding their hair in its natural state?!?
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Newspaper Nails

Lately there has been many new nail painting styles and art work available. While surfing the web earlier, I ran across this neat idea called Newspaper nails! Not sure how complicated it may be, but Im totally going to try this out. Below are the steps.....Share pictures and/or your experience with us if you decide to try it out!!
1. Put on nail polish and let dry.
2. Dip fingernail in alcohol-basically any will do, vodka is suggested.
3. Press a strip of newspaper big enough to cover the whole nail on to your alcohol soaked nail.
4. Pull off slowly and be really impressed with yourself.
5. Paint top coat if desired.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Christmas Idea: African American Dolls
Christmas time is almost here. I'm sure many are wondering "What am I going to get my niece, daughter, sister, etc.?" Since growing up, Barbie dolls were always a great idea for most little girls. Back in the day, there were not many dolls that looked like me. But I still enjoyed playing with Barbie, Ken and their friends. I complied a list of places to shop for African-American Barbie Dolls. Especially for those that have children struggling with identity of accepting their kinky, coily or curly hair. I know my niece will be getting one!!! Below are two sites that sell REALLY cute dolls! Happy Doll Shopping!!
Love, Peace and Nappiness
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Ugh of Protective Styles
Im not sure about others, but I personally struggle with protective styles. Since the beginning of my journey Ive had "Hands in Head" syndrome. I know sad, but true!! I decided to set small goals vs. big ones. For example instead of saying Im going to leave my twist in for 2-3 weeks, I going to try 1 week. Tomorrow Im planning to corn row(in some creative style) my hair.....Wish me luck!! I will be sure to post pics!!
Love, Peace and Nappiness
Love, Peace and Nappiness
Why Nappibutterfli??!!??
Throughout my life Ive experienced many things (I'll share more later), in the process I found that I identified myself with butterflies. Im sure some are wondering, "Why does she call herself a Nappibutterfli?" Well I’m glad you asked, because I have an answer!!!
When I think butterfly, in the beginning I see a creature (Caterpillar) that’s undefined, purposeless, boring and maybe even unattractive to others. Once it starts to develop, the attraction, stance, and meaning begins to change. Curiosity and maybe confusion then takes place from the surroundings. People began to wonder, "OMG, Where did that pretty, colorful butterfly come from". The butterfly chooses to sit around and be adored by others, or fly away to another location. However, eventually it will fly away. As butterflies fly away, people notice the grace, strength and beauty within them. But the key is "It flew away, looking the same as it did upon arrival". The same butterfly that was once looked as boring, dull or unattractive is now being adored and praised. Butterflies remain strong throughout their "journey" because they know the ultimate result and intent of the initial strife.
When choosing to go natural, I was all around confused. I felt the need to wither away, within myself. I told myself, "If you act like you like it, others will like it too". UMM, not the case. I encountered all type of reactions, those that liked, loved or even hated my hair. Throughout my journey, I had to learn how to grow a strong base. I learned that if I’m weak on the inside, those around me would see the shame and doubt that I carried. Learning to accept myself for who I am, truly strengthen my all around notion. Only I knew my intent for the decision that was made. So today no matter the reaction I receive from others, I know that when I walk away, its with confidence and strength because I appreciate what and who I am on the inside. Also thinking about the butterfly effect, which is when a small change can lead to a different outcome. Because of the small change I made within myself, I now have a HUGE outcome. Which is totally CONFIDENCE of who I am regardless of my surroundings!!!!
What you think?!?
Okay, so the wait is over. The blog is up and ready. I still have a few adjustments to make BUT, this is what you get for now. People have asked me for months to start a blog. After much thought, I finally decided to stop running from the task. Gosh, I didnt realize it would be such a hassle trying to create a logo and come up with a name. Everyone that knows me is well aware that I cant stop something once Ive started. I was up all night playing on the computer trying to design a butterfly with an afro....Ummm, Lawd have mercy on my soul, it was not EASY at all. But I completed it to my likings, and now Im SATISFIED with the final look(for now)!!!
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