Tuesday, January 3, 2012

At home or Gym?!? Which do you prefer?

GOSH, I want to complete a FULL at home work out program...BUT its so challenging. I tried P90x back in November, lasted all of 3 weeks. I got super bored being home, watching someone on TV tell me what to do. So back to the gym I went!! I was told by friends that Insanity was better. Umm, let me think about that for a minute. So far, Im still bored... I know today was only Day 2 BUT I just couldn't jiggy with that ish, so I headed to the gym. Started my Nike Training Club App, put on my FAV jams and was ready to get it in. Once the sweat started to flow, I felt so much better. AHH, Relief!!

There are a few things that could have associated with me not reaping the full benefits of an at-home workout.

1). Just got home from a 12 hour work shift
2). Ate a not so balance meal today
3). Dog chasing my feet as I do the workouts (She thinks I'm playing with her)
4). Living on 2nd floor, dont want to make too much noise
5). Such a social butterfly, I just love an audience (motivating)

Im not sure what the case may be....However, I still plan to attempt the full 60 day program of Insanity. I came up with a short term plan....

1) Go to gym soon after work because coming home does not motivate me to work out (Rather shower and Rest).
2). Stay within plan meals...Keep portions under control
3). Take dog walking prior to doing at-home workout (Insanity)...hopefully she will tire out some
4). Do Insanity on off days, earlier when neighbor is up/at work

5). Rotate at-home workout and gym time(dance classes & weight training)

Even though I don't like workout buddies, I love being in the gym. Seeing other people pushing through workouts really motivates me. The environment just pumps me up, sends me to a different level thats hard to reach at home!! Lesson learned: Just because one option didn't work..Keep trying something is bound to work!!

Which do you prefer? At home or Gym workouts? There are pros and cons to both!

P.S:   I'll explain the difference between P90 & Insanity in a later post!!
~ Nappibutterfli~

Monday, January 2, 2012

Study Time: State Boards

It saddens me to say that I will be (social networking) MIA for a few weeks. I have to prepare for my state boards, therefore I need LESS distractions. I will be deactivating my Facebook & Twitter this week. Also, I will not be blogging during this time.

I have tons of ideas to bring forward after my hiatus. Who knows, I might need this break!! Feel free to email me nappyquaila@gmail.com


Natural Hair Bun: Using Tuck & Pin Method

As you all know, I struggle with protective styles. For some reason, I just LOVE wearing my hair big. I decided to challenge myself; by wearing, the ends tucked away more for a month (Got to start small)! Last night I washed my hair using WEN, and then I twisted it. Put my satin bonnet on, and went to sleep. I woke up this morning and my twist looked a HOT MESS(IMO). Not as fresh as the night before.

After starring at my hair in the mirror for 10 minutes in disbelief, preparing my mind for a bad hair day, I decided to take a deep breath and figured something else out. I unraveled the twist, brushed out the curls and prepared my hair for a puff. I then used my tuck and pin method for a secure bun! 

Its similar to the cinnabon, but not as many knots. This style took less than 5 minutes and I can wear it for a few days without much manipulation. I plan to play with it by wearing flowers, hair scarves/wraps, and other accessories. 



Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years!!

Hope 2012 is everything you want it to be! Remember, our life is what we make it!! You get out of it what you put into it! If 2011 was not your best year, this is the opportunity to make 2012 better!!! With the right attitude all things will work out accordingly!

SN: I'll be spending my day washing my hair, working out & watching football!!